Idk, I play a lot of games and stuff.

Age 31, Male


Bronx High School of Science

Ozone Park, NY

Joined on 9/26/05

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John12346's News

Posted by John12346 - July 27th, 2007

The Newgrounds mods have been fixing up a lot of the bugs that happened to show up right after the redesign, and as we all know, the admins/mods have been taking care of it. However, there have been a lot of problems showing up in the forums. Whether they are bugs or annoyances, they are problems, all in all. Some of these problems include:

Typing Lag- This problem has to have been the biggest problem on the NG Forums. The typing lag is a problem in which the text you are typing shows up a lot slower than the speed you are typing. Typing up a post could take minutes even if it took you 30 seconds to type something up. This, however, is a bug, because the typing lag doesn't occur when you are writing Flash Reviews or typing up some Newgrounds News. This problem is still unattended to and still continues to bother users.

One user looked at the scripting of it and saw way too many lines of code, and therefore concluded that the huge amount of script was the cause of the typing lag.

Here's a user's comment on the matter:

"Hey guys, for some reason, I've noticed this wierd problem letely. I dont know if its my computer or the site, but when I go to post a message in the BBS, all the letters I type appear really slow like my coputer is frezzing up on me, when its working smoothly. And it only does this when I'm typing in the Message part of a post. It works perfectly in the Subect secion and even in the searchbar." -Bran-Man

That pretty much sums it up.

Page Layout- There are a few things messed up with each thread page:
- No Page Jump button.
- That << < > >> picture messes up on threads with many pages.

That was just a few things I thought I'd throw out there.

Sigs- This has to be one of the most annoying problems ever. The maximum sig heights are 50 pixels, and it pissed off many users because they all these great sigs that were the original 60 pixels high. Unfortunately, they're just going to have to deal with it and make new sigs.

Another thing about the sigs is that they can't be animated. That really pissed off a lot of users.

Unfortunately, I don't think these problems are going to be dealt with, so you people are going to have to deal with what you have.

Using a Search Engine- One last thing. When you click on someone's post after searching through their posts, it takes you to the first page of the thread, instead of the page of the thread in which the user has typed in. The admins/mods acknowledged this problem and will deal with it soon.

That's about it. I'm sure there are other problems, but you can count on the friendly workers of Newgrounds to fix it all up!

Until next time!


P.S.: I just hit 1111 posts! Saved forever below...

Newgrounds Forum Problems

Posted by John12346 - July 20th, 2007

As soon as the redesign ended, there were a mountain of problems. Luckily, bob was nice enough to compile all the problems right here. Among those errors included:

- Audio Portal doesn't have page navigation for genre listings, and the "view all" submission buttons are dead.
- When searching a user's BBS Posts, the link to the thread does not take you to the exact page on which the post was made.
- Wording in the Grounds Gold deposit message is slightly incorrect regarding the number of points it'll take to get to the next level.
- There are still a few FAQ quirks, like dead or redundant links. Simple to fix, but oh-so-minor.

However, you can bet that the mods and admins have been working their butts off to fix these mistakes, and even though all the problems haven't been corrected yet, Newgrounds is making it's way from the bad kind of chaotic to the good kind of chaotic.

Here's some progress that the mods and admis have been making.

-Sometimes I click a link and the page doesn't load. I refresh and the page loads up 9 times out of 10. I assume that this glitch will be fixed very quickly, as it is inconvenient.- mariobro42

You people have probably noticed that the pages have been loading fine now, right? That's progress.

...Well, it looks like that's all I could find for now, but I can assure you that the workers are working to make your Newgrounds experience a good one.

Meanwhile, I've been seeing too many posts on the forums about the whistle not working. People, when you click the reason you want to blow your whistle, you just need to scroll down to the bottom of the page. Your whistle blowing reason form is waiting for you at the bottom of the page.

I've also been hearing quite a few requests coming from the forums. Among them are:
- I'd like to see how close I am to levelling up or down on a whistle.
- I want to edit my audio!
- What's this User Page Layout button do? I want to use it!

Of course, the people down at Newgrounds need to fix the bugs first before handling requests. So just wait your turn!

Okay, I'm going to wrap it up here. See you next time!


P.S.: I just hit 1000 posts! Saved forever below...

The Redesign Aftermath

Posted by John12346 - July 17th, 2007

It's been chaotic here on Newgrounds ever since the redesign. Everything has changed here on Newgrounds; the Levels, the Userpages, and the Front Page, among other things. However, has this change been for the beter or the worse?

Levels- The levels on Newgrounds have changed completely; from 30 to 60 levels. This seems to have been done to allow newer users to reach higher levels easier. Here's what other people thought of the new level system.

-I just deposited and apparently I will need about 4k more expirience to get to the next level. That's a lot.- Bazi

It looks like the level gaps are still pretty large. But that's not true. This person doesn't need 4000 more exp.; he needs 4000 exp. period. So that's just a big typo.

-After a while, I stopped waiting for the redesign, and almost didn't want it to happen. I was going to be level 11 on the 27th and didn't want any of this gay shit to happen. I liked the user changing version of the levels, and 60 levels? I mean come on! At least double our xp!! I'll probably get used to it, but for now, I'm fucking pissed.- green-day-fan1

It also seems like some people aren't used to the sudden change in scenery just yet.

-I feel that the level jumps were a big improvement. It allowed people to reach those hard levels much easier and raise their self-esteem.-John12346

But there's no denying the fact that reaching higher levels is easier.

As far is the level system goes, it's just mainly a ploy to help users get away from noobness.

Newgrounds BBS- The new NG BBS has brought people into a large fit of conversation. The new BBS is pretty much the same, except you can use more emoticons.

-I think we would enjoy this historical moment if we keep doing the old jokes and the stuff all people used to do before the new look.-enquencle
-I find it quite sexy, though it feels kinda slow.-Pointy-Circle

There are mainly neutral feelings about this.

The new BBS is basically a carbon-copy of the old BBS, but with a neat shine and spit-polish.

Flash Portal-The Flash Portal is essentially the same thing, except you can now view Flash in the same window in which you used to open it.

-I think the Flash Portal is the same, but I kind of hate that the Flash you click doesn't change color, so now you can't keep track of which Flash you did and didn't watch.-Anonymous(Ok I forgot.)

All in all, there wasn't too much of a change here.

Userpages- A new way to display yourself on Newgrounds. Some people like it. Some people don't. It's like making a profile on the old Newgrounds, but there's more to do.

Newgrounds Itself- All in all, Newgrounds has seemed to make a big improvement and a big 'deprovement' from the original. Here's some commentary from random users about their input on the new Newgrounds.

Doesn't look any different.-GrandfatherClock
Fucking beautiful! Awesome work, Tom!-Snype
Tom, I'm literally orgasming.-KillerCRS
Still no edit button.-Xavon
The slowness of it all...-hollohill

All right. Until next time!

From the computer of John12346